New Website Update

Hey Everyone, I am back from my vacation (which I will write about soon)! I have changed some things on the site and I wanted to give an update on that.

New Contact Form

During my vacation, I was actually inundated with spam email and phishing attempts. If you came back to the site, you might’ve noticed that the contact me button was gone. Now I have replaced that with a contact form. The purpose of this is to obfuscate my email, but still have folks contact me if they need it.

screenshot in black and white showing this website contact form. on top is the text field "your name", followed by the text field "your email", followed by the text field "subject", the text field "your message", followed by a submit button
Shiny New form! Not real on this page

I believe this happened because bots have scraped this website for a “mailto:” link and started sending me spam. I don’t think this will entirely solve the issue, but I’m hoping to reduce it.

With that being said, you can contact me for anything using this form under the “About Me” Section.

Portfolio Page

I have a brand new portfolio page! This page is only the beginning and will be slowly expanded upon when I start doing more projects. It features some highlights from when I was doing projects in college, as well as highlights from my soundcloud page. This page does not have everything I’ve done, but it’s a good start.

I also want to mention this page is not 100% optimized for mobile yet, but it’s at a stable enough point to be presentable. I also might play around with layout and organization in the future.

Further Updates

I also want to mention that I have a lot of things going on right now in my personal life. I am still contemplating on if I should disclose them on my page or not. It really is nothing too serious, just thinking about the planned trajectory I want to be going on and the risks that I am taking. I know that sounds vague, but I will let you know once I’ve decided on telling the world or not. You know what they say, once you post something online, it’s forever.

With that being said, I do have a couple of fun posts I will be writing soon. Thank you again for your patience while I slowly get the lights on and find time to post on this site. There is absolutely more to come and I don’t plan on slowing down soon. Talk to you soon!

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